Introduction: DIY Arduino Bluetooth Controlled Car

Hi friends! My name is Nikolas, I am 15 years old and I live in Athens, Greece. Nowadays I will show you how to make a 2-Wheel Bluetooth Controlled Car victimisation an Arduino Nano, a 3D pressman and few simple electronic components! Make sure to watch my YouTube Video to see the car in action and to follow the instructions from there if you prefer!


I got into basal electronics when I was 9 years old when my pop brought me approximately batteries, a replacement and a small light bulb to play with, I was extremely excited. Around that time with the avail of my dad I made my first ever car which was as simple as IT could atomic number 4. It consisted of an old call's box to which we had attached four dc motors with some wheels from some toy cars we had and they were hopped-up from a a couple of AA batteries, it could lonesome move forwards but 9 year old me was really proud and happy. Over the shadowing years I made quite a handful of creations and MANY toy cars. At some charge I set myself the end to make a remote pressurized car that, this might look rather easy to you, but for my past mortal it was exit of my league. However when the pandemic broke out last spring and we got into quarantine, I got into more colonial electronics and around Apr I achieved my finish by fashioning a car based on an Arduino Uno that could be controlled via an IR remote! I and then put myself the goal to urinate a car that would be controlled through Bluetooth with my headphone. This is where this Instructables comes into place. Enjoy!


Here is a list with the necessary components

  • Arduino Nano
  • 2 x 200RPM N20 Little Motors
  • DRV8833 Causative Number one wood
  • HC-06 (Bluetooth Module)
  • 18650 Lithium Battery
  • Bombardment Bearer
  • 11mm x 6mm Slide Switch
  • M3 Screw (10mm) and Bollock
  • Some Cables
  • 4 x Normal Rubber Bands
  • A Soldering Fe
  • A 3D Printer
  • Some Filament (I used Prusament PETG)

Step 1: 3D Impression

I designed the 3D files myself victimization Onshape. You will need to publish the Root and besides two Wheels. I printed all the parts in Prusament Amber PETG at 0.2mm layer height and 40% infill connected the Creality Ender 3 V2.

You stool breakthrough the .stl files here: Thingiverse

Step 2: Circuit

Time to make the circuit! So in real time put the Arduino Nano, the DRV8833 and the HC-06 on your breadboard.

  1. Connect the VCC of the HC-06 and DRV8833 to 5V
  2. Connect the GND of the HC-06 and DRV8833 to GND
  3. Connect the TXD to D10
  4. Connect the RXD to D11
  5. Touch base INT1, INT2, INT3, INT4 to D2, D3, D4, D5 consequently
  6. Tie the first motor's cables to OUT1 and OUT2
  7. Connect the second motor's cables to OUT3 and OUT4
  8. Connect the battery's "+" to 5V and the "-" to GND (You can add the slide switch over to the "+" now if you deprivation)

Step 3: Programming​

Let's upload the code to the Arduino Nano! Simply connect it to your calculator with a USB Cable then open the "BluetoothCar.ino" file in with Arduino IDE. Make sure that the options at the Tools tab are the equal arsenic in the picture above and that you have selected the correct COM port. Come home "Upload" and you are good to go!

Step 4: Bluetooth App

IT is prison term to try if our circuit and program are functioning as intended. I made my own Android App using MIT App Inventor which is a simple program that allows you to make Humanoid Apps easily! You can install the App connected your Humanoid phone by downloading the "BluetoothController.apk" downstairs. There are some alternatives on the Wager Store and the App Store if you prefer, merely I successful this one because the car moves only if your finger's breadth is on the button, which is a feature I really like.

When conjunctive to the Bluetooth module for the very first time you will need to turn on the Bluetooth on your twist, then you'll have to find a device named "HC-06" and to connect thereto you'll have to put in the password "1234" Oregon "0000". After go to the app and click the Bluetooth Button and prize the HC-06. Now you have with success connected your car to your smartphone and you nates control the motors finished the app!

Mistreat 5: Assembly

Right away you should solder the electronics and get ready to tack the car!

  1. Screw the 18650 battery holder to the base and tot up the addict
  2. Push the two motors into place
  3. Fit the slider switch into place
  4. Fit the DRV8833 Motor Number one wood into place
  5. Fit the Arduino Nano into place
  6. Slide the HC-06 into place
  7. Add the 18650 barrage to its holder
  8. Push the two wheels into the motors' shafts
  9. Last not least, add 2 rubber bands to all wheel

Step 6: Enjoy Your Creation!

Well done! Now turn it along, connect to IT through your Android App and make fun! I hope you enjoyed this Instructable and if you did take subscribing to my YouTube channel for Thomas More amazing projects!

2 People Made This Project!


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